CONTA-CLIP Direct Modbus Connection to PLCs

November 18, 2019
CONTA-CLIP’s GSM-PRO2 Series provides a 2G/3G and 4G remote control and maintenance solution that allows users to monitor and control decentralized facilities. Now featuring a built-in Modbus RTU interface, the GSM-PRO2 can be connected as a slave to other controllers (such as a PLC). As a result, the GSM-PRO2 can be used to conveniently expand a PLC system with additional GSM functionality. By using predefined registers, the PLC can send an SMS or e-mail using the GSM-PRO2 as a messenger. The PLC can also be controlled using the GSM-PRO2. The module can set predefined registers to influence the PLC process (analogue or digital).
The GSM-PRO-CON extension module makes wiring even simpler. Plugged into the GSM-PRO2 module, it offers front-access terminals for connection to the controller. The GSM-PRO2 parameterization software can be programmed to send a text or email fault message to specified recipients when the status of the PLC input changes. Prompted by a text message that is sent to the GSM-PRO2 module, data is written into the PLC’s digital and analog registers via the Modbus RTU interface. The PLC, acting as a master, reads out the data in order to trigger the corresponding actions. Various communication modules with and without GPS functionality are available for all common wireless standards up to 4G.
Apps for iPhone and Android devices enable flexible monitoring and control and provide an instant overview over the statuses of several modules at once. Users do not need any programming skills to parameterize the modules. Firmware updates and online configuration changes can be easily carried out at any time via the GSM network, even after installing and commissioning the modules.
- Can provide a PLC with added GSM functionality via plug connection
- Programmed to send a text or email fault messages when the status of the PLC input changes
- Firmware updates and online configuration changes can be carried out at any time via the GSM network
- Simplifies wiring