Siemens: SIMOVAC Non-Arc-Resistant and SIMOVAC-AR Arc-Resistant Motor Controllers

January 4, 2023
The Siemens SIMOVAC medium-voltage non-arc-resistant and SIMOVAC-AR arc-resistant controllers have a modular design incorporating up to two 12SVC400 (400 A) controllers, housed in a freestanding sheet steel enclosure. Each controller is UL 347 class E2, equipped with three current-limiting fuses, a non-load-break isolating switch, and a fixed-mounted vacuum contactor (plug-in type optional for 12SVC400). The enclosure is designed for front access, allowing the equipment to be located with the rear of the equipment close to a non-combustible wall.
Typical motor and feeder applications:
- Squirrel-cage induction motors (non-reversing, reversing, multi-speed or soft start)
- Transformer feeder
- Power bus feeders (tie).
Typical SIMOVAC controller types:
- Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR)
- Full-voltage reversing (FVR)
- Two-speed two winding (2S2W)
- Two-speed one winding (2S1W)
- Reduced-voltage autotransformer (RVAT)
- Solid-state reduced-voltage (or soft start) starter (SSRVS).