Phoenix Contact Modular Hybrid Motor Starters

October 25, 2019
Phoenix Contact introduces CONTACTRON pro, a hybrid motor starter that simplifies wiring and safety integration. The CONTACTRON pro has a T-bus backplane system that rapidly distributes 24 V power, bridges the e-stop enable signal, and adds auxiliary contact modules.
The auxiliary contact modules allow feedback of the motor state and implementation of self-sealing motor circuits. When used with the PSR-MC38 safety relay, the CONTACTRON pro can easily permit a SIL 3/PLe group of emergency shutdowns via one interface.
- Easy group shutdown via DIN rail connectors after an emergency stop, thanks to an upstream safety relay
- High system availability, thanks to 10 times longer service life with hybrid technology
- Easy to handle: With the economical DIN rail connector, you save on wiring effort, which means you save money as well
- Reliable feedback on motor status thanks to optional relay module.
View Phoenix COntacts Modular Hybrid Motor Starters Here