The Industrial Controls Company at Weftec 2019

October 10, 2019
ICC had the pleasure of attending the Water Environment Federation’s 92nd Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC). The trade show “provides the latest developments, technologies, and services for the water sector.” This year’s event, ReGeneration: Workforce, brought together “more than 20,000 water professionals and 1,000 water companies from around the world to learn, connect, and work toward a better future for water.”
Their theme was explained as a focus on “harness[ing] the power of individuals who are reinventing and reinvigorating the water workforce while providing solutions for workforce development, diversity, and inclusion in the water sector.”
ICC Project Manager Donny Lavrenz most appreciated the efficiency of the teams competing in the Operations Challenge at WEFTEC. He saw value in the understanding that people need equipment that is designed to be reliable, easy to service, and has the end user in mind, a core belief of ICC. With dedicated teams that can tackle minor problems, companies can free up more time to tackle larger projects.