STI’s EnviroArmour Fiberglass Enclosure Protect with AC/Heat

August 5, 2021
STI’s new EnviroArmour® Fiberglass Enclosure, with a window, is available with climate control to help combat harsh indoor and outdoor conditions.
The large waterproof, non-metallic lockable fiberglass enclosure (EN483612-W2) is durable and reliable, helping to guard sensitive devices against weather, vandalism, tampering and theft. The clean, contemporary appearance combined with its rugged, dependable performance is perfect for devices requiring protection against rain, sleet, snow, splashing water, hose directed water and impact. They are for use with control panels, medical equipment, alarm panels, wireless equipment, DVRs and more.
Cost-effective, the sizable enclosure (48 H x 36 W x 12” D) is constructed from patented solar resistive fiberglass. It is resistant to chemical agents and helps guard against harsher environments. Window is constructed of clear polycarbonate, and it has a lockable stainless steel hinged door that closes with a draw-down latch. The AC/heater cycles and a fan runs continuously to sustain a uniform temperature (50-95°F), and is externally mounted to minimize space intrusion.
The wall mounted cover is NEMA Type (UL508A, UL50 and UL50E), 1, 3, 3R, 4X, 12 and IP66, and is UL/cUL Listed. Custom and multiple standard sizes available with or without AC/heat. Options offered: NEMA Type 3R filter fans, larger AC/heater units for extreme temperatures, and back panels.