Banner Engineering: EZ-Array is Now Available With IO-Link 1.1

September 16, 2021
The updated EZ-Array with IO-Link provides a much-anticipated upgrade. This allows for more data availability via process data and enables significantly faster data transfers. The EZ-Array series of measuring light curtains feature closely spaced infrared beams that detect objects as small as 5 mm.
Updated IO-Link receiver models with expanded process data options offer the ability to access additional information. IO-Link communication is a low-cost approach for bringing multiple pairs of measuring arrays onto an Ethernet network to communicate measurement and diagnostics information. Process data in version 1.0 was limited to only measurement 1. Version 1.1 gives users access to Active Measurement 1 and 2, individual beam states, or all measurement modes as process data.
Significantly faster data transfer improves system responsiveness. Version 1.1 reads parameter data 8 times faster than version 1.0. COM3 Support (230.4k Baud) for faster data transfer with compatible IO-Link masters will be coming soon in all models.
EZ-Array with IO-Link offers automatic device replacement for quick device configuration. Just plug in an EZ-Array to the IO-Link master and the configuration will be automatically loaded onto it. Controller functionality is built into the receiver, so basic setup requires no controller, software, or PC. Easy-to-use software is included for advanced configuration using a PC. Configuration options for the EZ-Array series include 14 measurement modes, three scanning methods, two analog and two discrete outputs and a serial output.
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